What this podcast has helped me to understand about the desegregation practice is that desegregation has the power to help many black and Latino children in underprivileged neighborhoods, but it’s mainly the adults who won’t allow this to occur. Hannah Jones gave her own personal anecdote about how her Iowa school’s desegregation policies helped her to seek out a better future for herself, as she was able to get a degree and escape poverty. She was also able to make many white friends. From her viewpoint, desegregation seems like an obvious answer. It worked for her, and she even has the data that shows how black kids were able to cut the achievement gap by more than 50% when they attended desegregated schools. However, it was noted that desegregation efforts have mainly stopped across the country because officials and parents simply do not care enough to ensure that all children get access to equal education. In fact, the desegregation in St. Louis only occurred by chance when state o...