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Showing posts from December, 2022

Eggplant Curry

While basic math and science are often objective in what they describe, those two things might as well be the only objective facts in our universe. Everything else is subjective: it depends on the person taking everything in.  Perhaps the most subjective emotion experienced is humor. Everyone has their own sense of humor, and what I may find funny isn't necessarily going to make someone else laugh. I think one of the greatest examples might be with The Office . A lot of my friends say that this is one of the greatest and funniest shows they have ever watched, but personally, I don't get the hype. Do some episodes have interesting premises? Yeah, they do. But do I find it funny? Only sometimes. Most of the humor in that show is kind of hit or miss, at least in my opinion.  Anyways, back to what I wanted to write about for today's blog. My brother probably has the most unique sense of humor out of anyone I know. You can never understand why exactly he finds something to be fu...